Self Love Retreat
Come back to the place of unconditional love

My primary intention is for you to fill your well, put yourself first, and allow yourself to receive any divine guidance that’s here for you.

Together we will compassionately walk each other HOME.

On this retreat, we will cultivate a deeper understanding of our heart space by entering into the room of self love. It is within this space that spirit will be lifted, compassion will be felt, truths will be spoken and space will be cleared.

We will share our truths in a safe and loving circle, observing the masks we wear in the world, the roles we play, and the power of our words. Each day, cultivating a deeper sense and awareness of what Self Love feels and looks like for each of us.

Expect 7 days of total bliss with sunsets, sea, nature and a daily timetable consisting of Yoga, meditation, rituals, and ceremony.


Learn more & Register

To learn more about this incredible experience, visit Copal Retreat by clicking the button below. We’d love for you to join us for this magical retreat!